Germantown Hills Athletic Association
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The G.H.A.A. is an independent, volunteer organization which provides recreational activities for area youth. Although the G.H.A.A. is not strictly speaking a part of the school, it contributes substantially by providing programs that benefit the community as a whole, and through Vision 2000, its multi-year program of capital improvements to school facilities. Programs offered each year are outdoor soccer, basketball, indoor soccer, baseball, and softball.

Mission Statement of tile G.H.A.A.

The mission of the G.H.A.A. includes the following:
Organized Sports for which all who sign up and are accepted* participate.
Sports which G.H.A.A. sponsor are to be fun.
Programs should provide an opportunity for all children who participate to improve their skills in the sport regardless of their ability.
Sports are performed at locations designed to ensure the first three missions.
Sport programs are designed to promote teamwork and fellowship in a wholesome setting.
G.H.A.A. will strive to raise funds to create, or improve facilities and equipment needed to fulfill the above goals.

* All children from Germantown Hills and beyond are fully accepted unless an action or actions of an individual child are found to be so reprehensible to the members of the board, that that child is specifically excluded from participating by the membership.
We will not discriminate according to race, religion, physical, or sexual orientation.

Click here for more information on GHHA

An Inquiries And Concerns Should Be Addressed To:
C/O Germantown Hills Grade School
110 Fandel Road
Metamora, Illinois 61548