Zoning Board
The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) is a body whose members are appointed by the Mayor and approved by vote of the Board of Trustees.
The primary function of the ZBA is to review and rule on requests for variances to the zoning ordinance. If a person wishes to request a variance, he should contact the Village Hall and arrange for a meeting of the ZBA. At that meeting, testimony will be heard from the applicant for the variance, and anyone else who might be affected by the variance. A variance can only be granted if the applicant can demonstrate that application of the zoning ordinance to his situation represents an unusual hardship for the applicant that was not anticipated by the language of the ordinance itself. If a legitimate unique hardship cannot be demonstrated, the variance cannot be granted.
Another purpose of the ZBA is to conduct hearings and make recommendations to the Village Board of Trustees on actions that would affect Zoning, such as rezoning, zoning ordinance changes, and applications for Special Use Permits.