Climbing New Heights by Improving Play Sites

Sponsoring a picket in the picket fence.

Please fill in the blanks, Select a style, and mail this form to: 
MGH Junior Woman's Club
P.O. Box 954
Metamora, IL 61548-0954

 Name___________________________________________ Phone number_________________________

Sponsor a Picket  
To bring community spirit to our park we are offering to engrave names or sayings on the picket fence that will be added to the park.  This is a great way to honor your children or another loved one, remember someone who has passed away, display your family name, or even a pet's name.  Your name or saying can be engraved for a minimum $50 tax-deductible donation.  Please make checks out to
The Community Fund and mail to the address on the reverse side.  Please write what you wish to be engraved on the following lines.  You may choose one line of up to 18 characters, or 2 lines up to 13 characters each.  Spaces are included in these limits.  The children of our community thank you for helping to provide them with a safe and fun atmosphere to play in.

Style # 1 (1 line up to 18 characters)
Style # 2 (2 lines, 13 characters maximum on each row)

Style # ____

Words to be engraved:__________________________________


Character count including spaces.__________